
Established in 2020 in Tokyo, Eight Islands Co., Ltd is a petite boutique company connecting Japan and the world through music and culture.
Our portfolio includes producing/directing music concerts and festivals, event production, TV and radio program production, entertainment consulting and more.
Representataive Director and Producer of Eight Islands Co., Ltd.
Atsuko established Eight Islands Co., Ltd in 2020 to focus on connecting Japan and the world through jazz, music and culture. She had worked as a producer at NHK Enterprises, an affiliate of NHK, Japan’s public broadcast ,where she launched the “Tokyo Jazz Festival”in 2002 and served as a producer/artistic director for 15 years. While inviting jazz stars from around the globe, she also worked to introduce jazz from various countries and created projects such as “French Jazz Quarter in Japan”, “Japan-Australia Jazz Orchestra”, “Dutch Jazz Garden”, “Jazz Cruise Norway” and more. She also curated local jazz festivals in Japan such as “Iwate Jazz Festival”, “Live in Fukushima”, etc and brought international stars to the region. She also collaborated with overseas jazz festivals such as “Jazztopad” in Poland, “Jazz a Vienne” in France, “Copenhagen Jazz Festival” in Denmark to exchange artists and the jazz culture. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, she created “Music for Tomorrow” project and produced events and broadcast programs to encourage the people of the devastated areas through music. The project fruited in presenting “Music for Tomorrow” concerts in various cities in the world such as Fukushima, New York, New Orleans and Strasbourg.
She also produced diverse international culture events such as “Marche de Noel de Strasbourg in Tokyo”: a project to bring the most established Christmas Market in Europe to Japan, “Shibuya Friendship Festival”: a festival celebrating the Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo.
After establishing her own small company, Atsuko has been enjoying producing music concerts,events, broadcast programs and contents to introduce Japan to the world and the world to Japan through jazz, music and culture. She is also working to promote international artists to Japan and to dispatch Japanese artists towards overseas.
八島 敦子
父親の仕事の関係で8歳から11歳までアメリカ・シアトルで育つ。日本と海外の架け橋となるような仕事に就きたいと考え、早稲田大学政治経済学部で国際政治を学ぶかたわら同時通訳の勉強をする。大学卒業後、NTTでの仕事を通じ、都市計画に興味を持ち、慶應義塾大学大学院で建築・都市デザインを学ぶ。NHKエンタープライズ入社後は、国際ロボットコンテスト、フランスのクリスマス・マーケットの招聘、東日本大震災被災地支援プロジェクトMusic for Tomorrowなど国際交流事業やテレビ番組等を企画制作する。なかでも、立ち上げから15年以上にわたりプロデューサーを務めた「東京JAZZ」では、「国境を越えて、世代を超えて」をテーマに企画の立案や出演交渉をおこなった。2020年、エイトアイランズ株式会社を設立。長年の夢である「音楽と文化を通じて日本と世界を結ぶ」ことを目指し、コンサートやイベント、コンテンツのプロデュースに励んでいる。趣味は美味しい野菜を探して料理をして食べること。